Acutronic Medical Systems AG, FSCA-24-003, fabian HFO Classic and HFOi Ventilators

While ventilating a patient in HFO mode with pressure amplitude (Pamp) > 1.5x mean pressure (Pmean) and with the breathing circuit properly connected, if the breath-by-breath leak monitor exceeds 40%, the ventilator triggers the disconnect alarm. When this condition occurs, the displayed volume and leak monitors reset to zero and the ventilator reduces the HFOV amplitude. This is a protection mechanism to prevent lung injury upon reconnection following a true disconnection. During this time, if the patient is not disconnected, this results in a small increase in Pmean, and potentially large reduction in amplitude until the alarm is cleared.

Fabrikant:Acutronic Medical Systems AG 
Europees vertegenwoordiger: Emergo Europe
Product: fabian HFO Classic and HFOi Ventilators
Datum FSN: 15-04-2024

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