Abbott Molecular, Inc., FA-AM-MAR2022-270_09N43, Alinity m EBV Amplification Reagent Kit
EBV and CMV in whole blood samples may be mis-quantitated/under-quantitated when processed using the Alinity m EBV Application Specification File (Whole Blood), LN 09N43- 03A or the Alinity m CMV Application Specification File (Whole Blood), LN 09N46-03B. While there is potential impact to results for Alinity m EBV or Alinity m CMV, there is no impact or change to the assay reagents as the reagents may continue to be utilized with the Alinity m EBV Application Specification File (Plasma), LN 09N43-01A or Alinity m CMV Application Specification File (Plasma), LN 09N46-01A. There have been zero (0) reports received to-date of harm associated with this issue.
Fabrikant: Abbott Molecular, Inc.Technologies, Inc.
Product: Alinity m EBV Amplification Reagent Kit
Datum FSN: (documentdatum) 31-03-2022
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