Siemens Healthcare GmbH, AX028.22.S, AX039.22.S FSCA, AX029.22.S FSN, Artis Q.Q.zen.pheno.icono

The Artis system is provided with a dedicated error detection mechanism. In rare cases of failure of this error detection mechanism it will not be possible to release X‐ray anymore until system shutdown.
If this issue occurs, the system message “No X‐ray, tube too hot!” is shown without an additional audible sound and the operator is unable to release X‐ray. A system shutdown is required to enable the release of X‐ray. This may result in a situation where it is necessary to cancel clinical treatment or to continue treatment on an alternative system.

Fabrikant: Siemens Healthcare GmbH
Product: Artis Q.Q.zen.pheno.icono
Datum FSN: 23-08-2022

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