Megadyne Medical Products, Inc., 2370372, MEGADYNE™ MEGA SOFT™ and MEGA 2000™ Reusable Patient Return Electrodes

Megadyne Medical Products, Inc. (“Megadyne”) has received reports of patient burns identified after surgical procedures in which Mega Soft pads were used, including product codes 0800, 0830, and 0835. Product codes 0800, 0830, and 0835 were approved for use in patients over 25 lbs (11.3 kg); however, to mitigate the potential risk to health in the population of children under 12 years of age, Megadyne is taking this corrective action to now limit use to patients age 12 years or older.

Fabrikant: Megadyne Medical Products, Inc.
Europees vertegenwoordiger: Johnson & Johnson Medical GmbH
Product: MEGADYNE™ MEGA SOFT™ and MEGA 2000™ Reusable Patient Return Electrodes
Datum FSN: 18 juni 2024

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