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3.841 publicaties

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  1. Bauerfeind AG, FSN-DE-MF-000007543, MOS-Genu; entspricht

    The aluminum frame of the MOS-Genu knee orthosis (short and long versions) does not have the required material rigidity. That ...

    Waarschuwing | 07-01-2022

  2. Factsheet: onderzoek chirurgische mondmaskers

    De Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd houdt toezicht op de wet- en regelgeving die geldt voor chirurgische mondmaskers. In deze ...

    Publicatie | 07-01-2022 | Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd

  3. Helena Biosciences Europe NC436 - V8 Electrophoresis analyser

    Further to customer feedback regarding the V8 Nexus REF: 800008, 800018, and 800020, it has come to our attention that a ...

    Waarschuwing | 06-01-2022

  4. Abbott FA-AM-DEC2021-263 - Alinity m system

    A software issue has been identified with the Alinity m System Software (Version 1.5.0 and greater) associated with the ability ...

    Waarschuwing | 06-01-2022

  5. Abbott FA-AM-DEC2021-264 - Alinity m system

    Abbott Molecular Inc. has received two customer reports of Alinity m Resp-4-Plex false positive results and two customer reports ...

    Waarschuwing | 06-01-2022

  6. B Medical Systems FSCA_2021001 - Premium Line devices with FW5.8

    The customer reported that the temperature displayed by the unit was 3.9°C, while the actual air temperature inside the unit, ...

    Waarschuwing | 06-01-2022

  7. Seemann Technologies 012021 - Sterile disposable bipolar forceps cable

    The sterile disposable bipolar forceps cables are listed on the EC Directive certificate of the Notified Body not as a Class I ...

    Waarschuwing | 06-01-2022

  8. Philips 2021-IGT-PUN-011 - Zenition 50, Zenition 70 & Veradius Unity

    De draadloze voetschakelaar is een optie voor Philips Zenition 50-, Zenition 70- en Veradius Unitysystemen om live fluoroscopie ...

    Waarschuwing | 05-01-2022

  9. Philips 2021-IGT-BST-014 - MultiDiagnost Eleva IITV en FD

    Philips heeft ontdekt dat bij de MD-Eleva-systemen met softwareversies R6.1.1sp2 en R6.1.2. twee softwaresleutels af en toe niet ...

    Waarschuwing | 05-01-2022

  10. PerkinElmer Wallac Oy IT2056451 - PerkinElmer DELFIA® Xpress

    We have become aware that the measured analyte concentrations in occasional patient samples may be decreased with DELFIA® Xpress ...

    Waarschuwing | 05-01-2022