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3.781 publicaties
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Via Jeugd, locatie Via Icarus, JeugdzorgPlus te Cadier en Keer
Op 16 juli 2020 heeft de Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd, toezicht uitgevoerd bij Via Jeugd, locatie Via Icarus, JeugdzorgPlus ...
Siemens Healthcare GmbH, FSN-SY051/20/S, syngo.via RT Image Suite feature: Patient marking
Incorrect calibration offset between CT centra! image plane and external lasers after update/upgradepotentially resulting in an ...
Caesarea Medical Electronics Limited, FSN-MMS-20-3887, T34 Ambulatory Syringe Pump
BD/CME meldt Field safety over T34 Ambulatory Syringe Pump.
Bien-Air Surgery SA, FSN-CAPA-2020003, Foot Pedals
This field safety corrective action has been initiated because there is a low possibility that the magnet located insid e the ...
Uitleg toezicht IGJ op implantaten
Patiënten moeten kunnen rekenen op goede en veilige zorg, ook wanneer daar medische hulpmiddelen en implantaten bij betrokken ...
Exactech Inc., FSN-2020-08-17-01; MDSS ref MDD20.206, Compression Screw/Locking Cap Kits
Veiligheidskennisgeving Equinoxe omgekeerde schouder compressieschroef/vergrendelingsdopset 4,5 x 18mm en 4,5 x 22mm.
CAIRE Inc., FSN-M. withdraw Companion C1000 manufactured 1984-89, Companion 1000® Liquid Oxygen Portable
MPS Medical Product Service GmbH meldt Field Safety over Companion 1000® Liquid Oxygen Portable.
Siemens Healthcare GmbH, FSN-AX04620S(FSCA), AX04720S(FSN), Artis zee & Artis Q
Possible loss of individu al room configuration data sett ings on all Artis zee and Artis Q systems aft er manual in stallation ...
Getinge - MAQUET GmbH, FSN-CAPA 2020-010, mobile OR-Table MEERA, YUNO und YUNO II
The purpose of this letter is to inform about a potential issue concerning the mobile OR-Table MEERA, YUNO and YUNO II.
Blink Medical Ltd, FSN-#362, Cannula Liposuction 30cm x 3mm
Return of Medical Device Cannula Liposuction 30cm x 3mm to Blink Medical.