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3.725 publicaties
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NOUVAG AG, FSN-C11607, MD11 / MD30
The devices MD 11 and MD 30 do not comply with the latest harmonized EMC standard (60601-1-2, Edition 4).
NOUVAG AG, FSN-C11607-DP, DP30 LipoPlus
The devices DP 30 LipoPlus does not comply with the latest harmonized EMC standard (60601-1-2, Edition 4).
Hologic Inc., FSN-CTB-00753, Panther Fusion Tube Tray
This notification is to inform you of a voluntary recall for Panther Fusion Tube Trays. These lots of tube trays have a very low ...
William Cook Europe ApS, FSN-2020FA0005, Zenith Alpha® Abdominal Endovascular Graft
Cook Medical has identified that specific lots of the Zenith Alpha® Abdominal Endovascular Graft (21MB main body) may contain ...
Inpeco SA FSCA-AP2-202008-03 - Aptio Automation
The firmware of the Sysmex XN-9000/XN-9100 Interface Module (IM) has the potential to mis-associate sample IDs leading to ...
Siemens POC 20-011 - Atellica 800_Atellica 1500
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics has confirmed that falsely depressed results may occur on Atellica UAS 800 systems using software ...
Natus Medical Incorporated, FSN-CAPA004899, Embletta Gold USB Cable
Natus Medical Incorporated voert een vrijwillige terugroeping uit van de Embletta Gold USB-kabel.
Datascope Corporation, FSN-2248146-05/29/2020-001-R, Datascope Intra-Aortic Ballon Catheters (IABs)
Datascope/Getinge is initiating a voluntary Recall-Removal involving certain Intra-Aortic Balloon Catheters (IABs) that may not ...
Maquet FSCA-2020-08-06 - Heater-Cooler Unit HCU 40
Maquet Cardiopulmonary GmbH has received complaints in relation to leaking vacuum valves of the HCU 40.
Riverpoint Medical 20200803 - Covidien Velosorb Fast Surgical Suture
Riverpoint Medical is performing a product removal of Velosorb Fast Surgical Suture. The product involved in this removal is ...