Abbott Laboratories, FSN-FA28APR2022_06P16-01, Alinity s System

Abbott has identified a potential issue with Alinity s System software versions 2.8.0 and prior. Abbott is releasing Alinity s System software version 2.8.1 (LN 04U76-16) to correct this issue. The potential exists for the assay Quality Control (QC) requirement to be bypassed for the first use of an Alinity s HBsAg Confirmatory Reagent Kit (LN 06P03). This event can occur if
• the QC run includes the Alinity s HBsAg Reagent Kit (LN 06P02), and
• the QC run is already in-progress, and
• a newly introduced Alinity s HBsAg Confirmatory Reagent Kit is loaded onto the reagent carousel, and
• the Alinity s HBsAg screening assay calibration status has transitioned to QC in Process.

Fabrikant: Abbott Laboratories
Europees vertegenwoordiger: Abbott GmbH
Product: Alinity s System
Datum FSN: 28 april 2022

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