Inter-med, Inc., FSN-RMA 41793, Septodont Parcan N NaOCL 3% Solution

During an endodontic procedure involving the use of Parcan N 3% NaOCl for irrigation of the root canal, the patient experienced swelling of the face (right cheek, lower lip, tongue), heavy swallowing, difficulty breathing, and chest pain. It is suspected that these symptoms were caused by contact of the irrigation solution with unintended tissue through accidental apical extrusion of NaOCl (often referred to as a “sodium hypochlorite accident”). 

Fabrikant: Inter-med, Inc.
Europees vertegenwoordiger: Emergo Europe
Product: Septodont Parcan N NaOCL 3% Solution
Datum FSN: 6 juli 2023

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