Invivoscribe, Inc., 3014173060-07-18-23-003-C, LymphoTrackDx IGH - MiSeq

The impacted master mix lots, when used to amplify clinical samples, will not produce amplification of the VH7 region. In the event of a clonal IGH FR3 VH7 region, the lack of JGH FR3 VH7 region amplification due to the defective primer would result in non-detection. This non-detection could result in a false negative result if the clonal event is not detected by the other frameworks.

Fabrikant: Invivoscribe, Inc.
Europees vertegenwoordiger: lnvivoscribe Technologies, SARL
Product: LymphoTrackDx IGH - MiSeq
Datum FSN: 18 augustus 2023

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