Mölnlycke Health Care AB, 2024-02(02), specific batches of the Detachable EndoRetrieval Pouch, which can be either a Single Packed device or included as a component in identified Mölnlycke® Procedure trays

The device is used to contain and extract specimens during laparoscopie surgery. The mechanism of the listed device operates in a way that the tube within detaches during the removal process. lf the tube is not precisely fixed, part of the tube may stretch out trom the opening after detachment and fall into the abdomen of the patient.

Fabrikant: Mölnlycke Health Care AB
Product: specific batches of the Detachable EndoRetrieval Pouch, which can be either a Single Packed device or included as a component in identified Mölnlycke® Procedure trays
Datum FSN: 13 februari 2024

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