Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc., POC 24-015, RAPIDPoint® 500e Blood Gas System

Siemens Healthineers has identified an issue with the RAPIDPoint 500e system software version 5.3. This issue affects how the sample source is identified at the LIS when using the capillary mode. Specifically, with this software version, samples run in the capillary mode are incorrectly labeled as arterial when displayed on the LIS, leading to the potential for results to be flagged according to an established arterial range. Capillary sample results are correctly identified as capillary on both the RAPIDPoint 500e system display and the instrument printouts.

Fabrikant: Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc.
Europees vertegenwoordiger: Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Manufacturing Ltd.
Product: RAPIDPoint® 500e Blood Gas System
Datum FSN: 27 mei 2024

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