GE healthcare, FSN-FMI 85460, Centricity Universal Viewer Zero Footprint client

Distance and Area measurements can display inaccurate measurement values when performed on magnified images. True size printing on film/paper for images will also reflect these inaccurate measurement values.The measurement value is always overestimated (measured size is larger than true size). In the unlikely situation where this issue is not identified, it can potentially result in improper medical treatment. There have been no injuries reported as a result of this issue.

Specific to ZFP, Distance and Area measurements can display inaccurate measurement values when performed on lossy images that are scaled down from their original resolution.The measurement value is always underestimated (measured size is smaller than true size). In the unlikely situation where this issue is not identified, it can potentially result in improper medical treatment.

Fabrikant: GE healthcare
Europees vertegenwoordiger: GE Medical Systems SCS
Product: Centricity Universal Viewer Zero Footprint client
Datum FSN: 20 mei 2022

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