Leica Microsystems (Schweiz) AG, FSN-CAPA-HER-MD-22-007, ARveo 8, ARveo, M530 OHX, PROvido

During internal testing Leica Microsystems has become aware of a component change on the photodiodes inside the M530 Optics Carrier (see figure 1 and figure 2). The photodiodes are used as luxmeters to optimize the “BrightCare Plus” limit (see figure 3) which is calculated based on real-time light intensity data to compensate for decreased light intensity as bulbs age. The component change of the photodiode will result in an inaccurate adjustment of the illumination limits by the software of the surgical microscope when “BrightCare Plus” with Luxmeter is used. Consequently “BrightCare Plus” with Luxmeter will not function according to defined specifications.

Fabrikant: Leica Microsystems (Schweiz) AG
Europess vertegenwoordiger: Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH
Product: ARveo 8, ARveo, M530 OHX, PROvido
Datum FSN: 25 augustus 2022

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