Neurologica Corp., a subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd, FSN-3004938766-2023-002-C, OmniTom

NeuroLogica Corporation has recently become aware of a potential issue related to the operational state of the scanner, specifically for the transport wheels loosening over time with use of the device. This could lead to the inability the effectively drive the device, further leading to a potential delay in patient treatment. Additionally, we were made aware by our battery vendor that certain serial numbers of the batteries used to power the NL5000 device contain contaminated boards, which may impact the ability to power on the device. Again, this could lead to delay for patient treatment.

Fabrikant: Neurologica Corp., a subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd
Europees vertegenwoordiger: WMDE B.V.
Product: OmniTom
Datum FSN: 9 juni 2023

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