FSN-FSCA 272, Aesculap AG, Laparoscopic access

We detected a non-conformity to the product specification of part number FF399R caused by a manufacturing deviation. The affected devices were manufactured with a too long shaft, which, in conjunction with the associated neuroendoscopes, leads to a restriction of the field of view. When a 0°neuroendoscope (part number PE184A) is connected, a minimal obstruction of the image on the monitor can be detected (see figure 1 ). In particular, when a 30° neuroendoscope (part number PE204A) is connected, the image on the monitor is obscured in the upper quarter (see figure 2). 

Fabrikant: Aesculap AG
Product: Laparoscopic access
Datum FSN: 28 juni 2023

Waarschuwing van fabrikant

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