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4.168 publicaties
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Medtronic, FA1324, Neuroscience CST StealthStation S7 Cranial Software v3.1.4
This notification is to inform you of actions being taken to address two software anomalies impacting the StealthStation™ S7 and ...
Beckman Coulter Inc., 23011, iQ200 Series DxU 850m and 840m Iris Analyzers
Beckman Coulter heeft kennis genomen van een intermitterend probleem waarbij de optionele markering “Previous Sample Had Sperm” ...
Beckman Coulter Ireland Inc., 000884, Bicarbonate
Beckman Coulter has confirmed a premature decrease in calibratior ODs for the following lots of Bicarbonate OSR6x90.
Olympus Medical Systems Corporation, QIL FY24-EMEA-01-FY23-OMTA-13 for MAJ-2315 Single, Single use Distal cover MAJ-2315
Olympus has become aware that the Single Use Distal Cover MAJ-2315 may cause mucosal injury and/or become detached from the ...
Samenwerkingsprotocol CCMO-IGJ 2023
De Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd (IGJ) en de Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek (CCMO) hebben een herziene versie van ...
Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. Systems Division, 76-C0732, NanoZoomer Serie
Under certain conditions it can happen that a digital slide is assigned an incorrect barcode as meta data. This can lead to a ...
Schiller AG, SAGQI-137, Tempus LS
SCHILLER AG heeft een stimulatieprobleem met de Tempus LS geïdentificeerd waarbij de defibrillator-pacemakermodule (DPM) een ...
Synovis Micro Companies Alliance, Inc., FA-2023-015, Neurotube 02X40 RP CE
Baxter Healthcare Corporation is issuing a Recall to the user level for the NEUROTUBE Lot number 19012112 due to the product ...
R&R Mechatronics International B.V., Klaud nr.153, Starrsed Control
It has been brought to our attention that there is a small amount of vails of QRR049001 Lot QCAB6AN505 incorrectly labelled as ...
Brief verlengen intensief toezicht en reactie Jeugdbescherming Brabant (JBB)
De Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd (IGJ) en Inspectie Justitie en Veiligheid (IJenV) zien dat de maatregelen gericht op de ...