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4.173 publicaties
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Abbott Molecular, Inc., FSN-FA-AM-OCT2022-282, Alinity m System
This letter contains important information regarding your Alinity m System; Specifically, the current software installed on your ...
Advance Medical Designs Inc, FSN-22.006, Needle Guides and Grids
This letter is meant to serve as notification to your company making you aware of a voluntary recall being conducted by Advance ...
Leica Biosystems Newcastle, IR 64/22, BOND tm Ready-to-Use Primary Antibody Bcl-6 (LN22)
Ieica Brosystems Newcastle recently became aware that due to an error, tlîe affected device mentioned above has been assigned an ...
Samenwerkingsprotocol gezondheidszorg IGJ en OM 2021
Samenwerkingsprotocol tussen de Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg en en Jeugd (IGJ) en het Openbaar Ministerie (OM).
3M Company, 2022-11 FSCA Ranger, Blood Fluid Warming High Flow Sets
This corrective action has been initiated due to the identification of a manufacturing issue with the auto-venting bubble trap. ...
Maquet Critical Care AB, MCC-22-009-NU, Flow
Under certain conditions, we have identified that the power backup battery might prevent the device from performing as intended. ...
Maquet Cardiopulmonary GmbH, 713001, PLS Set
During internal investigation Maquet Cardiopulmonary GmbH (MCP) has identified that the packaging material (medical paper) of the ...
Goodwood Medical Care Ltd., FSCA-2022-001 290001641, Cotton tip applicator Raucotupf
Our distributor(LR) tested the packaging film for leakage and detected a small amount of +care leakage from the packaging film ...
Sysmex Corporation Japan, 794400008, XQ-Series Automated Hematology Analyzer
During a new installation, Sysmex became aware of the risk of incorrect (false high) WBC results being output to LIS host ...
DiaMed GmbH, FSN-FSCA 003-22, IH-500
We would like to share with you, and your team, information about an issue that could be observed when performing ABO grouping ...