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3.710 publicaties
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GA Health Company Limited, FSN-QA-FSCA-2020-0001, Andorate® / PEXTAX Disposable Endoscope Valves Set (GAR004)
GA Health Company Ltd. became aware that suction valve from Andorate® disposable endoscope valves set was sticky and/or broken ...
SIS Medical AG, FSN-2010261, OPN NC
Via deze mededeling wil SIS Medical AG u informeren over een wijziging van de nominale barstdruk van de BEO NC ...
Stryker Joint Replacement, FSN-RA2020-2527314, Mako Integrated Cutting System (MICS)
Stryker has initiated a voluntary, serial number specific recall for the Mako Integrated Cutting System (MICS).
Onderzoek naar het beeld van burgers van drie sectoren en toezichthouders
Onderzoek naar het bevorderen van betrokkenheid van patiënten en familie bij het toezicht
Medtronic FA937 - Medtronic Cardioblate™ CryoFlex™ Surgical Ablation Devices
Medtronic’s investigation process identified the above CryoFlex devices underwent a manufacturing process that may have resulted ...
Medtronic MiniMed, FSN-FA934, CareLinkTM Software; Medtronic CareLink® Personal Therapy Management Software for Diabetes
Belangrijke veiligheidinformatie koolhydraatverhouding in CARELINK™-rapport apparaatinstellingen.
SENTINEL CH. S.p.A, FSN-07/2020, Zine
This letter contains important information regarding the ZINC product REF 17640H lot 90227.
ThermoFisher Scientific - Microbiology Central Reporting, FSN-2020-0008, Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ Brilliance™ Staph24 Agar
A technical investigation has concluded that this batch may contain low level bacterial contamination, which is sub-surface but ...
Datex-Ohmeda, Inc., FSN-FMI 34109, Flow sensors
GE Healthcare heeft intern vastgesteld dat flowsensoren die in augustus 2020 zijn gefabriceerd, beschadigde slangen kunnen hebben ...