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  1. Exactech Inc., FSN-2020-08-17-01; MDSS ref MDD20.206, Compression Screw/Locking Cap Kits

    Veiligheidskennisgeving Equinoxe omgekeerde schouder compressieschroef/vergrendelingsdopset 4,5 x 18mm en 4,5 x 22mm.

    Waarschuwing | 11-09-2020

  2. CAIRE Inc., FSN-M. withdraw Companion C1000 manufactured 1984-89, Companion 1000® Liquid Oxygen Portable

    MPS Medical Product Service GmbH meldt Field Safety over Companion 1000® Liquid Oxygen Portable.

    Waarschuwing | 10-09-2020

  3. Siemens Healthcare GmbH, FSN-AX04620S(FSCA), AX04720S(FSN), Artis zee & Artis Q

    Possible loss of individu al room configuration data sett ings on all Artis zee and Artis Q systems aft er manual in stallation ...

    Waarschuwing | 10-09-2020

  4. Getinge - MAQUET GmbH, FSN-CAPA 2020-010, mobile OR-Table MEERA, YUNO und YUNO II

    The purpose of this letter is to inform about a potential issue concerning the mobile OR-Table MEERA, YUNO and YUNO II.

    Waarschuwing | 10-09-2020

  5. Blink Medical Ltd, FSN-#362, Cannula Liposuction 30cm x 3mm

    Return of Medical Device Cannula Liposuction 30cm x 3mm to Blink Medical.

    Waarschuwing | 10-09-2020

  6. Welland Medical Ltd, FSN-2020-09-09/4480, HydroFrame with Manuka Honey

    We, the Weiland Medical company, are proactively informing our customers of an issue related to the listed batches  of  ...

    Waarschuwing | 10-09-2020

  7. ITH icoserve technology for healthcare GmbH, FSN-QM-533, syngo.share view diagnostic

    Notice Regarding the Calculation of Slice Thickness for Multiplanar Reconstruction (MPR) in syngo.share view diagnostic.

    Waarschuwing | 10-09-2020

  8. bioMerieux Inc, FSN-FSCA 4864, Chocolat PolyViteX (PVX)

    bioMerieux Benelux meldt dringend bericht over productverbetering CHOCOLATE POLYVITEX (Ref. 43109 -43101).

    Waarschuwing | 09-09-2020

  9. Olympus Medical Systems Corporation, FSN-QIL 153-009, OES CHOLEDOCHOFIBERSCOPE OLYMPUS CHF TYPE CB30S

    Olympus Medical Systems Corporation (“Olympus”) is writing to inform you of a removal action of all OES CHOLEDOCHOFIBERSCOPE ...

    Waarschuwing | 09-09-2020

  10. Vascular Solutions LLC, FSN-PL0252 – Rev. B / HRA00079, Langston Dual Lumen Catheter

    Met deze brief informeert Vascular Solutions LLC, onderdeel van Teleflex, u de reikwijdte van hun vrijwillige terugroeping van de ...

    Waarschuwing | 09-09-2020