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3.781 publicaties
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Welland Medical Ltd, FSN-2020-09-09/4480, HydroFrame with Manuka Honey
We, the Weiland Medical company, are proactively informing our customers of an issue related to the listed batches of ...
ITH icoserve technology for healthcare GmbH, FSN-QM-533, syngo.share view diagnostic
Notice Regarding the Calculation of Slice Thickness for Multiplanar Reconstruction (MPR) in syngo.share view diagnostic.
bioMerieux Inc, FSN-FSCA 4864, Chocolat PolyViteX (PVX)
bioMerieux Benelux meldt dringend bericht over productverbetering CHOCOLATE POLYVITEX (Ref. 43109 -43101).
Olympus Medical Systems Corporation, FSN-QIL 153-009, OES CHOLEDOCHOFIBERSCOPE OLYMPUS CHF TYPE CB30S
Olympus Medical Systems Corporation (“Olympus”) is writing to inform you of a removal action of all OES CHOLEDOCHOFIBERSCOPE ...
Vascular Solutions LLC, FSN-PL0252 – Rev. B / HRA00079, Langston Dual Lumen Catheter
Met deze brief informeert Vascular Solutions LLC, onderdeel van Teleflex, u de reikwijdte van hun vrijwillige terugroeping van de ...
Olympus Medical Systems Corporation, FSN-QIL 153-010, INTESTINAL VIDEOSCOPE OLYMPUS POWERSPIRAL (PSF-1)
Afsluitbrief Lijn5
Op 10 juli 2020 ontving de Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd de eindrapportage 'Rapportage afbouw jeugdhulp Lijn5'. Stichting ...
Toezicht MSZ in coronatijd
De Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd heeft tijdens de coronacrisis zeer nauw contact gehad met bestuurders in de medisch ...
ThermoFisher Scientific-Microbiology Central Reporting, FSN-FSN-2020-0007, ThermoScientificTM OxoidTM F100 Nitrofurantoin
A technical investigation has confirmed that some packs of Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ F100 Nitrofurantoin CT0034B Lot 2961028 may ...
Gentian AS CC-167 - Gentian Cystatin C Calibrator and Calibrator Kit
The identified lots of calibrators have shown to measure incorrect high values over time compared to the assigned values when ...