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  1. NuVasive Inc, FSN-MAGEC-1, MAGEC System

    NuVasive, Inc. voluntarily issues this Urgent Field Safety Notice (FSN) to inform healthcare providers caring for patients with ...

    Waarschuwing | 03-05-2020

  2. Tijdelijke aanpassing tot 1 juli 2020 van voorwaarden collegiaal doorleveren van eigen bereidingen door apothekers tijdens de Covid-19 pandemie

    De IGJ heeft tijdelijk de voorwaarden gewijzigd voor het collegiaal doorleveren van eigen bereidingen door apothekers. Onder ...

    Publicatie | 01-05-2020

  3. Phadia AB, FSN-QA2020-02, EliA Stool Extraction Kit (see section 8)

    The purpose of this letter is to advise you that Phadia AB, part of Thermo Fisher Scientific, is issuing a Field Safety ...

    Waarschuwing | 01-05-2020

  4. Philips Medical Systems FSCA 86400034A-IR Pneumograph, chest

    De borstbalg bevat 90-95% natuurlijke rubberlatex in de slang die vanaf de balg tot de draadloze zuurstofsaturatie- ...

    Waarschuwing | 01-05-2020

  5. Stryker Trauma GmbH Kiel, FSN-PFA 2365134, Sterile packaging of T2 Locking Screws, Compression Screws, End Caps, Gamma3 End Caps

    The purpose of this notification is to advise you that Stryker Trauma GmbH (Trauma & Extremities Division) is conducting a ...

    Waarschuwing | 30-04-2020

  6. Gebrüder Martin GmbH & Co.KG-A company of the KLS Martin Group, FSN-05121/20, KLS Martin / smartDrive

    The purpose of this safety notice is to inform you about an additional product information initiated by Gebrüder Martin GmbH & ...

    Waarschuwing | 30-04-2020

  7. GE Medical Systems Information Technologies, Inc.,FMI 36145 Carescape One

    The CARESCAPE ONE monitor may lose ECG parameter and waveform data when used in conjunction with an Automated External ...

    Waarschuwing | 30-04-2020

  8. Philips Medical Systems Netherands BV, FSN-2020-IGTPUN-004, Zenition 50, Zenition 70 Systems

    Verlies van trekontlasting in de verbindingskabel tussen het mobiele weergavestation en de C-boogstandaard (Kabel voor de ...

    Waarschuwing | 30-04-2020

  9. Biomet Orthopaedics, FSN-ZFA 2020-00103, Various Polyethylene Implants

    Biomet Orthopedics LLC is conducting a lot specific medical device Field Safety Corrective Action (removal) for various ...

    Waarschuwing | 30-04-2020

  10. Glove Disinfection Protocol

    There is high likelihood that the world will experience an exam glove shortage in the very near future. Production of gloves ...

    Waarschuwing | 30-04-2020