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3.725 publicaties
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Medtronic Inc FA912 Verify Therapy App
This letter is to notify you of the correction of an inadvertent automatic update to Model A511 Clinician Therapy Application ...
Stryker RA2020-2209440 Restoration ®Anatomic Shell
Stryker has discovered that the Restoration Anatomic Shell (RAS) implants, sizes 54mm – 68mm (Left and Right), may fall off its ...
Bentley InnoMed GmbH CAPA 20-003 Mesh-sleeve coronary artery stent
During the last internal quality control (destructive testing during final release test), it was found that there is a potential ...
Becton Dickinson MDS-20-1971 - BD PosiFlush™ XS 10mL Syringe
BD has become aware through customer feedback that a percentage of BD PosiFlush™ XS 10mL Syringes (REF: 306572) have the ...
Life Technologies Corporation, a part of Thermo Fisher Scientific PR423912 Gibco® Gurr Buffer Tablets
We have become aware through customer complaints that two (2) lots of Gibco® Gurr Buffer Tablets (Catalog #: 10582-013, lot ...
Defibtech FA2020-01 - DDU-2000 Series Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
This corrective action addresses a hardware issue with a particular electrical component used in the identified AEDs. This ...
Ruimte en capaciteit voor het testen van zorgmedewerkers
In de zorg telt de inzet van iedere medewerker, zeker in deze periode van de coronacrisis. Minister van Volksgezondheid Hugo de ...
Stryker Spine - Leesburg RA2020-2366861 NileTM Alternative Fixation Spinal System Band
Stryker has identified that the expiration date of 2028-11-26, printed on patient (DO) labels and the secondary packaging label ...
Stryker Spine - Leesburg RA2020-2362278 Aleutian® AN (Anatomically Narrow) Lordotic Spreaders
Stryker’s Spine division received reports of intra-operative disassociation of the spreader tip from its shaft for the Aleutian ...
Tweede Kamer: technische briefing 16 april 2020
De hele zorg-sector staat in het teken van COVID-19 zorg, maar daarmee staat de reguliere gezondheidszorg op een lager pitje. Het ...