Documenten - Waarschuwingen van fabrikanten medische hulpmiddelen

437 publicaties over Waarschuwingen van fabrikanten medische hulpmiddelen

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  1. MAQUET Cardiovascular LLC, 2242352-10/31/2023-006-R, Acrobat-i Vacuum Positioner System

    Maquet/Getinge received thirty-two (32) complaints between January 1, 2020, and September 19, 2023, reporting issues related to ...

    Waarschuwing | 28-11-2023

  2. Maquet Cardiopulmonary GmbH, 881842, Cardiohelp-i

    A noticeable high number of breaks in the insulation sheath and a shielding breach of the venous probe connection cable was ...

    Waarschuwing | 20-11-2023

  3. Medtronic, Inc, FA1368, LINQ II Insertable Cardiac Monitor

    Een populatie van LINQ II insertable cardiac monitors (ICM) onderging een fabricageproces waardoor vocht de elektrodeprestaties ...

    Waarschuwing | 13-11-2023

  4. Maquet Cardiopulmonary GmbH, 879551, CARDIOHELP-i

    The IFU of the CARDIOHELP system states incorrect factory settings. The device itself is working as intended and the error only ...

    Waarschuwing | 10-11-2023

  5. Edwards Lifesciences LLC, FCA 181, Acumen IQ Sensor, FloTrac Sensor, TruWave DPT

    Het onderzoek bracht een fabricageprobleem aan het licht dat een mogelijke verstopping in bepaalde druksets en sensoren ...

    Waarschuwing | 07-11-2023

  6. Maquet Cardiopulmonary GmbH, 881841, Cardiohelp-i

    The root cause of the improper contact originates in an incorrect drawing of the production tool in question, resulting in an ...

    Waarschuwing | 06-11-2023

  7. HeartWare Inc., FA1372, HeartWare™ Ventricular Assist Device (HVAD™) System

    Tot 15 augustus 2023 heeft Medtronic acht (8) klachten ontvangen over onvoldoende informatie over de levensduur in de ...

    Waarschuwing | 03-11-2023

  8. Bort GmbH, 1013xxx-RR, Bort X-Walker

    Due to a material and design issue, the blue connecting bolts which attach the fasteners and D-rings to the gray walker shell may ...

    Waarschuwing | 03-11-2023

  9. Atrium Medical Corporation, 3011175548-09/13/2023-001-R, Advanta V12 Covered Stent System

    Atrium/Getinge is initiating a voluntary Medical Device recall/removal for the Advanta V12 covered stent system due to an ...

    Waarschuwing | 02-11-2023

  10. Philips Goldway (Shenzhen) Industrial Inc., 2023-CC-EC-026-IR, Philips HeartStart Intrepid Monitor/Defibrillator

    The current HeartStart Intrepid Service Manual does not detail IEC Class I electrical safety test verification methods. The lack ...

    Waarschuwing | 02-11-2023