Documenten - Waarschuwingen van fabrikanten medische hulpmiddelen

584 publicaties over Waarschuwingen van fabrikanten medische hulpmiddelen

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  1. Biomérieux FSCA 2709 - Etest® Piperacillin.Tazobactam (4 μg.mL) PTc 0.016-256

    Het risico voor patiënten als gevolg van de verschoven werking van Etest® PIP/TAZO/CON‐4 PTC 256 is dat de kans bestaat op ...

    Waarschuwing | 14-12-2015

  2. Beckman Coulter FSCA-26321, EU-120115-009 - MicroScan Pos Combo and MicroScan Pos Breakpoint Combo panels

    Beckman Coulter has confirmed falsely negative results for Voges- Proskauer (VP) (pale-pink/brown/colorless) with Quality Control ...

    Waarschuwing | 08-12-2015

  3. IJS Global ATJ_FCA-0001 - Pima Analyser

    As part of our post-market surveillance activities we have identified an increase in reports of mechanica failure and prolonged ...

    Waarschuwing | 07-12-2015

  4. Beckman Coulter Ireland Inc.FSCA-26617, EU-011215-010 - DxH 800. Slidemaker Stainer and DxH 600

    During internal testing, Beckman Coulter determined that the software for the DxH systems noted above allows the creation of ...

    Waarschuwing | 01-12-2015