Hitachi_Roche Diagnostics IO-SB-CoreLab-2022-004 - cobas pure e 402 and cobas pro/cobas 8000 e 801 analytical units
We were recently informed by the manufacturer Hitachi High-Tech Corporation (HHT) about an internally detected operational software issue affecting cobas pure e 402 and cobas pro/cobas 8000 e 801 analytical units.
Download in Engels: 'Hitachi_Roche Diagnostics IO-SB-CoreLab-2022-004 - cobas pure e 402 and cobas pro/cobas 8000 e 801 analytical units'
Download in Engels: 'Hitachi_Roche Diagnostics IO-SB-CoreLab-2022-004 - cobas pure e 402 and cobas pro/cobas 8000 e 801 analytical units attachment'
Download in Engels: 'FSN-IO-SB-CoreLab-2022-004, Hitachi High Technologies Corporation (HHT) - SRN: JP-MF-000016991, cobas pure e 402 and cobas pro/cobas 8000 e 801 - version 3'
Fabrikant: Hitachi High Technologies Corporation (HHT)
Europees vertegenwoordiger: Roche Diagnostics GmbH
Product: cobas pure e 402 and cobas pro/cobas 8000 e 801 analytical units
Datum FSN: 8-7-2022
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