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3.781 publicaties
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Xtant Medical Holdings, 3005031160-01/10/2022-001-R, Axle Interspinous Fusion System
Xtant recently became aware that certain implants in the Axle® lnterspinous Fusion System have been manufactured out of ...
Stryker Spine, RA2021-2895946, Everest XT MI Inner Dilator and Outer Dilator
Stryker received two (2) complaints for units from specific lots of Inner and Outer Dilators, catalog numbers 5101-90167 and ...
Richard Wolf GmbH, FSN-QM700017105, HF SURGERY GENERATOR 400KHZ
In rare cases, using the auto-start and / or auto stop function may lead to device error 0233, which causes the HF current to be ...
WelchAllyn FA 2021-12-001-MKE-004 - Qstress_Xscribe, Hscribe_Vision Exp, DCS, ConnexCa
Hillrom is zich bewust geworden van de kwetsbaarheid in de software van de bovengenoemde apparaten, waardoor elke gebruikersnaam ...
B. Braun Avitum AG, FSN-R-2022-001, Conductivity sensor spare part for Dialog machines
We hebben geconstateerd dat een beperkt aantal verbindingsstukken van de bicarbonaat- en eindconductiviteitssensoren ...
Siemens US025_21_S & US026_21_S - ACUSON Juniper Ultrasound system
De functie voor het opslaan van clips in Juniper 1.0 werkt niet als het ultrasone systeem een foutmelding geeft dat de schijf vol ...
Galatea Surgical/Tepha, Inc_ F22-001 - GalaFLEX Scaffold
Galatea Surgical, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Tepha, Inc. is conducting a FSCA (recall) on a single manufacturing lot of ...
W.O.M. WORLD OF MEDICINE GmbH 2021-0002 - Hysterolux™ Fluid Management System
Dit bericht inzake de veiligheid wordt verspreid na meldingen van klanten in de VS dat het weergegeven instroomvolume van het ...
NRT-Nordisk Røntgen Teknik A/S PR20210830-01 - Celex and Intelli-C EU
This FSN is distributed to inform users about a risk that a friction rubber block, used in the clamping mechanism of the ...
Acandis GmbH FSCA 22-001 - DERIVO® 2 Embolisation Device
We have received an increasing number of complaints from customers who have reported difficulty in delivery of devices through ...