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4.166 publicaties

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  1. Olympus Medical Systems Corporation, QIL FY24-EMEA-21-FY24-OMSC-26 CV-1500, EVIS X1 VIDEO SYSTEM CENTER OLYMPUS CV-1500

    Olympus has received one complaint that the water delivery tube came in contact with the touch panel and the Air flow button was ...

    Waarschuwing | 02-11-2023

  2. Atrium Medical Corporation, 3011175548-09/13/2023-001-R, Advanta V12 Covered Stent System

    Atrium/Getinge is initiating a voluntary Medical Device recall/removal for the Advanta V12 covered stent system due to an ...

    Waarschuwing | 02-11-2023

  3. Exocad GmbH, FSN-CAPA #258029, exoplan

    Het probleem is een softwarestoring waardoor informatie over de compatibiliteit in de bibliotheek Straumann® onjuist wordt ...

    Waarschuwing | 02-11-2023

  4. Philips Goldway (Shenzhen) Industrial Inc., 2023-CC-EC-026-IR, Philips HeartStart Intrepid Monitor/Defibrillator

    The current HeartStart Intrepid Service Manual does not detail IEC Class I electrical safety test verification methods. The lack ...

    Waarschuwing | 02-11-2023

  5. Abbott Laboratories, FA19OCT2023 A, Alinity s System

    Precautionary labeling is being added to the Alinity s System to inform the users of the presence of dry natural rubber (latex). ...

    Waarschuwing | 02-11-2023

  6. Cook Endoscopy-Wilson Cook Medical, Inc., 2023FA0009, Quantum TTC Biliary Balloon Dilator

    Cook Endoscopy/Wilson-Cook Medical, Inc. is initiating a voluntary removal of affected QBD devices from the market because they ...

    Waarschuwing | 02-11-2023

  7. Anhui Anyu Latex Products Co., Ltd, AYFSCA2302, Sterile Latex Surgical Gloves, MEDISTOCK brand

    1 product lot concerned from the manufacturer Anhui Anyu Latex Products Co. Ltd, was revealed non-compliance with the sterility ...

    Waarschuwing | 02-11-2023

  8. Brief inspecties over asielopvang

    Asielzoekers die in Nederland aankomen, krijgen niet meer snel genoeg een medische intake. Daardoor zijn kwetsbare mensen niet op ...

    Brief | 01-11-2023

  9. Olympus Medical Systems Corporation, QIL FY24-EMEA-22-FY24-OMSC-08-BF Burnt Distal End, Flexible video bronchoscope, reusable

    There is a risk of endobronchial combustion if high-frequency cauterization is performed while supplying oxygen [and/or] the ...

    Waarschuwing | 31-10-2023

  10. Afsluitbrief intensief toezicht en reactie Jeugdbescherming Brabant (JBB)

    De Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd (IGJ) en Inspectie Justitie en Veiligheid (IJenV) heffen het intensieve toezicht bij ...

    Brief | 31-10-2023