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  1. CamDiab Ltd, ET4929, mylife CamAPS

    De invoer van de totale dagelijkse dosis door de gebruiker bij het herinitialiseren van mylife CamAPS FX wordt daarom geleidelijk ...

    Waarschuwing | 17-08-2023

  2. Datascope Corp., 2249723-06.02.2023-009-C, Cardiosave Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumps

    Datascope Corp., a subsidiary of Getinge is initiating a voluntary Medical Device Correction for the Cardiosave Hybrid and ...

    Waarschuwing | 17-08-2023

  3. Accuray Incorporated, RXFA23-008, Radixact Treatment Delivery System

    Accuray Incorporated (Accuray) heeft een probleem vastgesteld met betrekking tot het gebruik van een giekkraan door ...

    Waarschuwing | 17-08-2023

  4. Arthrex INC, R537_NL, Knee Scorpion™

    Associated outer labels and label content document for indicated batches display a sterility statement indicating “sterile” via ...

    Waarschuwing | 17-08-2023

  5. Philips Medical Systems Nederland BV, 2023-IGT-BST-013, Philips Allura Xper, Azurion and MultiDiagnost -E

    Philips has become aware of a potential safety issue with the wired and wireless foot switch used with the Philips Allura Xper, ...

    Waarschuwing | 17-08-2023

  6. BioMérieux SA, FSCA #5763-1, BK VIRUS R-GENE

    The aim of this communication is to inform you about low positive signals (aspecific signals below Ct corresponding to the limit ...

    Waarschuwing | 17-08-2023

  7. Factsheet IGJ Grotere rol voor kleine en middelgrote ggz-aanbieders bij verlichten druk ggz

    In 2022 bezocht de IGJ 47 kleine en middelgrote ggz-aanbieders. De bezochte aanbieders bieden laagdrempelige, ambulante zorg voor ...

    Rapport | 16-08-2023

  8. Ethicon LLC, 2283226 (2) - PDS Clear Suture Breakage Complaints, PDS II Suture

    lnternal testing on returned product from this lot confirmed that some POS™ Il (polydioxanone) Sutures from this lot did not meet ...

    Waarschuwing | 15-08-2023

  9. Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc., CHC 23-01, ADVIA Chemistry Urinary.Cerebrospinal Fluid Protein

    Falsely depressed ECRE_2 results may be observed when the assay is processed after the UCFP test on ADVIA Chemistry systems.

    Waarschuwing | 14-08-2023

  10. Draeger Medical Systems Inc., PR132825, Babyroo TN300

    During the course of our global market surveillance activities, we have become aware that the TN300 Babyroo Radiant Warmer ...

    Waarschuwing | 14-08-2023