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3.725 publicaties
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Siemens AX044_20_S - Sensis Vibe Hemo systems with MicroPod™ EtC02
We already informed you by our notification AX048/20/S about the MicroPod EtCO2 issue. Following this information, we inform you ...
DiaSorin S.p.A FN-200731 - LIAISON® Measles lgM
DiaSorin S.p.a. internal testing confirmed, for the lot in object, a reduction of index value of samples. Such decrease could ...
Medicamenteuze pijnbehandeling tijdens de bevalling in 26 ziekenhuizen grotendeels op orde
IGJ heeft vanwege signalen besloten om de pijnbehandeling met medicijnen tijdens de bevalling te onderzoeken. Sinds 2008 is het ...
WEINMANN FSCA MMS2 2020-07-1 - MEDUMAT Standard 2
In uitzonderlijke gevallen kan de situatie optreden dat MEDUMAT Standard² bij accuwerking (zonder aangesloten netvoeding) niet ...
LivaNova_Sorin HV-SAL-2020-001 - Dual Collapser
De Dual Collapser is een onderdeel van de Perceval accessoire-kits voor éénmalig gebruik. De Dual Collapser wordt gebruikt om de ...
Cardinal Health Event-2020-03063 - PROTEXIS™ Latex Micro Surgical Gloves
This recall is being conducted due to a degradation defect that was found on Cardinal Health™ PROTEXIS™ Latex Micro Surgical ...
Carl Zeiss FCA-JEN-2020-006 - VISULENS 550 and VISUREF 150
Based on post market surveillance activities, we found that the communication board is not performing as expected and need to be ...
Welch Allyn MOD1299 - Patient Cables or Lead Sets - update 27-7-2020
Wanneer de kabels van de elektrocardiograaf op een patiënt blijven tijdens defibrillatie, kan de kabelset van de ...
Luminex Corporation RC-20-011 - test fixtures for VERIGENE® Systems
Luminex has determined that three (3) separate test fixtures used by field service engineers to service the VERIGENE® Systems ...
lt was established that, with some of the manufactured units, a screw has been forgotten on the racket of the cupola on some ...