Documenten - Waarschuwingen van fabrikanten medische hulpmiddelen

3.325 publicaties over Waarschuwingen van fabrikanten medische hulpmiddelen

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  1. Becton, Dickinson and Company, BD Biosciences, FSN-BDB-22-4384c, BD OneFlow™ LST, BD OneFlow™ PCST

    Becton Dickinson determined through internal investigation that a common material lot used to manufacture the affected products ...

    Waarschuwing | 13-05-2022

  2. Radiometer Medical ApS, FSN-FAN 915-419, ABL700/ABL800 FLEX Analyzer

    Radiometer has become aware of a potential issue with ABL700 analyzers configured to report cNa+. We have received sporadic ...

    Waarschuwing | 13-05-2022

  3. Haemonetics Corporation, FSN-FSCA-FY23-02, Functional Fibrinogen Kit

    Haemonetics has identified a shift in the citrated blood reference range for a normal population. Due to this shift, the ranges ...

    Waarschuwing | 13-05-2022

  4. EBR Systems FSCA 22-004 - WiSE CRT-programmer Model 5100

    De bijgevoegde veiligheidsmelding (Field Safety Notice - FSN) wordt uitgevaardigd om u attent te maken op een mogelijke ...

    Waarschuwing | 11-05-2022

  5. EBR Systems FSCA 22-005 - WiSE CRT System

    EBR Systems, Inc, (EBR) wijst u op een onvolledigheid in de sectie Indicaties in de Handleiding (Instructions for use - IFU) voor ...

    Waarschuwing | 11-05-2022

  6. Avanos Medical FCA-2022-002 - CORTRAK* 2 Enteral Access System (EAS)

    Avanos Medical is issuing a voluntary Field Safety Notice (FSN) for the CORTRAK* 2 Enteral Access System (EAS) due to reports of ...

    Waarschuwing | 11-05-2022

  7. Pulsion Medical Systems FSCA #605477 - NICCI Technology

    The blood pressure values displayed by the NICCI Technology can deviate widely from the expected values. This value deviation has ...

    Waarschuwing | 11-05-2022

  8. Arrow International LLC (Subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated), FSN-EIF-000468-02, Arrow® Kits and Sets with Introducer Needles

    Er zijn klachten binnengekomen bij Teleflex waarin wordt gemeld dat het naaldaanzetstuk van de introductienaald in sommige ...

    Waarschuwing | 06-05-2022

  9. Osatu, S.Coop FSCA RECALL 0322 R300-500 - REANIBEX 300-500

    REANIBEX 300 and REANIBEX 500 defibrillators may be displaying a battery charge value sufficient to perform defibrillation ...

    Waarschuwing | 04-05-2022

  10. Abbott FA-Q222-EP-1 FIRMap Label Discrepancy - FIRMap Catheter

    Abbott start een vrijwillige terugroepactie voor vier (4) partijen van de FIRMap™ katheter, 60 mm Basket (model: AR064060) wegens ...

    Waarschuwing | 04-05-2022