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4.483 publicaties
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MAQUET GmbH, 2023-006, MEERA operating table
Under certain conditions, we have identified that an issue might prevent the device from performing as intended. As a ...
Check jouw kennis over melden in de gehandicaptenzorg
Wat goed dat je wilt weten wanneer je iets moet melden en waar je dat kan doen! Wat zou jij doen in onderstaande situaties? Zou ...
Embo-Flüssigkeiten A .G., Squid.Squidperi
During the incoming inspection of SERSQUID_3ML syringes, part of the SQUID 3ML kit, we detected occurrences of crack on the ...
Ambu A.S, Ambu2024FA00001, Ambu VivaSight 2 DLT
Ambu heeft klachten ontvangen over het ontwerp van het product Ambu® VivaSight™ 2 DLT, met name met betrekking tot de zeer ...
Waldemar Link GmbH & Co.KG, R-2024-07, Universal Handle, Stainless Steel, straight
Due to complaints, we have become aware of problems in relation with the universal handle. In the three most recent complaints ...
Philips Medical Systems Nederland BV, 2024-IGT-BST-003, Philips Azurion System
Philips heeft vastgesteld dat de gemotoriseerde, longitudinale beweging van de FlexArm-standaard inconsistent (niet glad) kan ...
Medtronic Navigation Inc., Software App 9735762 Stealth S8 Application
Medtronic heeft twee softwareafwijkingen geïdentificeerd in StealthStation™ S8-softwareapplicatieversies 1.3.0 en 1.3.2 die ...
Merit Medical Systems, 1721504-08.23.24-008R, Monarch Inflation
Merit Medical Systems, Inc. is voluntarily conducting a recall of specific lots of MONARCH® Inflation Devices due to a packaging ...
CROMA-PHARMA GmbH, AUD-000210, NuVisc Pro
Since May 2024, Croma has received 4 complaints, involving 5 incidents of NuVisc Pro, alleging the same medica! device problem - ...
Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V., 2023-PD-MR-033, Evolution Upgrade 3.0T, Ingenia 1.5T, Ingenia 3.0T, Ingenia 3.0T CX, Ingenia Ambition S, Ingenia Ambition X, Ingenia Elition S,Ingenia Elition X, MR 5300, MR 7700, SmartPath to dStream for 1.5T, Smart
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