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  1. Medtronic, ref FA1269, Hugo RAS Bipolar Fenestrated Grasper

    This Urgent Field Safety Notice (Recall) is being initiated following our investigation of nine (9) reported complaints of a jaw ...

    Waarschuwing | 05-09-2022

  2. Ortho Clinical Diagnostics Inc, CL2022-209, ORTHO Optix Reader ORTHO BioVue Cassettes

    On the ORTHO Optix Reader, when reviewing the results, the user can edit a grade and/or analysis of the results. When performing ...

    Waarschuwing | 02-09-2022

  3. Associates of Cape Cod, Inc,PP-22-002,Fungitell STAT

    The Fungitell STAT® assay is a protease zymogen-based colorimetric assay for the qualitative detection of (1→3)-β-D-glucan in the ...

    Waarschuwing | 02-09-2022

  4. Cook Incorporated, 2022FA0003, Vinyl Connecting Tubes Select models of Wire Guides

    Cook Medical heeft vastgesteld dat de V vormige verzegeling van de hulpmiddelverpakking uit de partijen met het betrokken ...

    Waarschuwing | 02-09-2022

  5. Löwenstein Medical Technology GmbH and Co. KG, FSN-2022-03, LM150TD

    A malfunction of the inspiratory trigger of the LUISA ventilators with firmware version 1.5.0030 may occur in rare cases if the ...

    Waarschuwing | 02-09-2022

  6. Datascope Corp., 2248146-07.26.2022-001-R, Datascope Intra-Aortic Balloon Catheters IABs

    Datascope Corp./Getinge was informed by the supplier of the vessel dilator that a single batch purchased from them did not ...

    Waarschuwing | 02-09-2022

  7. bioMérieux SA, 5707, VIDAS 3 SOFTWARE V1.4

    Following a complaint from the field for an unexpected error after performing a calibration that was followed by a shutdown of ...

    Waarschuwing | 02-09-2022

  8. Alere San Diego, Inc., FCA-001-22; MDSS ref.: IVD22.018, Cholestech LDX Test Cassettes

    During a recent review of its knee implant manufacturing process, Exactech learned that one of the packaging layers for the ...

    Waarschuwing | 01-09-2022

  9. Toetsingskader Persoonsgerichte leefstijlbegeleiding in de zorg

    De Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd (IGJ) toetst of de zorg veilig, goed en persoonsgericht is. Om transparant te zijn over wat ...

    Toetsingskader | 31-08-2022

  10. Haag-Streit AG, FSN-HSC CAPA 22-04, Connector Box of lmaging Module IM 910

    De afstand tussen de ethernetpoort van de aansluitdoos (Connector Box) en de interne elektronische onderdelen is onvoldoende om ...

    Waarschuwing | 30-08-2022